An old woman cleaning her house found some money
She wondered what to buy with the money, and she
ultimately decided to go to the market and buy a little pig
She was returning
from the market, and she wanted the pig to go to a stile, but it wouldn’t
She even told a dog to bite the pig because he
wouldn’t go to the stile
The dog refused
She kept going and met a stick
She told the stick to beat the dog because it
wouldn’t bite the pig because the pig wouldn’t go over to the stile
The stick refused
She kept going and met a fire
She told the fire to burn the stick because it
wouldn’t beat the dog for not biting the pig because it wouldn’t go over to the
The fire refused
She kept going and met some water
She told the water to quench the fire because it
wouldn’t burn the stick for not beating the dog, which would not bite the pig because
it wouldn’t go into the stile
The water refused
She kept going and met an ox
She told the ox to drink the water because the
water, fire, stick, dog, and pig would not listen to her
The ox refused
She kept going and met a butcher
She told the butcher to kill the ox for disobeying
her and refusing to carry out her punishment for the water
The butcher wouldn’t
She kept going and met a rope
She told the rope to hang the butcher because he
wouldn’t listen to her, etc.
The rope refused
She kept going and met a rat
She told the rat to gnaw on the rope for not obeying
her, etc.
The rat refused
She kept going and met a cat
She told the cat to kill the rat for not obeying
her, etc.
The cat actually told her to fetch it some milk
from the cow, only then would it kill the rat
She went to the cow
The cow told the woman that it would give her
milk only if she brought it hay from the haystack
She did and the cow gave her milk, which she
then delivered to the cat
The cat drank the milk and then it began to kill
the rat, which in turn began to gnaw on the rope, which in turn began to hang the
butcher, which in turn began to kill the ox, which in turn began to drink the
water, which in turn began to quench the fire, which in turn began to drink the
water, which in turn began to beat the dog, which in turn began to bite the
pig, which in turn jumped over the stile
The old woman made it home that night
Bibliography: This story can be found here. Story source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).
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