Friday, April 12, 2019

Week 12 Lab - Rules for Creating a Villain

·      7 Deadly Rules for Creating a Villain - Link
o   Every story has a villain – they help add conflict to the story
o   A villain needs to be credible, logical, and believable
§  Does not need to be likeable
o   The reader should understand why the antagonist is doing “bad” things, and why they believe that their actions are justified and rational
o   1. Find a compelling reason to be bad
§  They should have a reason for their bad behavior
o   2. Find the Good in the Bad
§  No one is bad to the bone. Dig deeper and find the small bit of humanity left inside them
o   3. Write Against a Stereotype
§  Balance the villain’s internal darkness with their outer demeanor and behavior
·      Ex: a witch that wears pink cardigans and is polite
o   4. Nurse that Grudge!
§   Feed your villain’s obsession if they’ve been cheated out of something by the hero
o   5. Imagine You’re the Hero’s Evil Twin
§  Imagine the villain as a shadow of the hero
·      Ex: give him the opposite traits to your main character
o   6. Show Your Villain Up
§  Make subtle changes to a villain’s appearance like a club foot
o   7. Relish the Fantasy
§  This is the only chance you get to be bad – have fun with it! 

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