Thursday, January 17, 2019

I See Potential in the Growth Mindset

I am actually surprised that I have never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before, especially when one considers the impact this could have (or already has) on academia. I can honestly say that I had a mostly fixed mindset at first when I was younger, but I had to switch a bit towards the growth mindset in order to succeed in school. It was kind of like those things where if one method (or mindset in this case) does not work then you try another. I would say I have a similar mindset in other aspects of my life. For cooking, however, the fixed mindset simply would not work because then you would not have a meal, which just cannot happen. Honestly at OU I have gotten a taste of failure and learned to try different things in order to succeed, which I knew I was capable of. I would definitely be interested in learning more about the growth mindset this semester. I am especially interested since I have younger siblings, and I am eager to see them succeed with this new mindset. I do have two classes that I am worried about this semester, and I am curious to see if the growth mindset could help me in those two classes.
Cat ready for a challenge. Source: cheezburger

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bianca!

    I've read a couple different people's blog posts about the growth mindset, and I always like seeing the different thoughts people have on it. Everyone always has something new to say that I hadn't thought of.

    I really enjoyed reading about the growth mindset and found myself agreeing with Carol Dweck's explanation of how important attitude is to learning. I like how you were able to recognize your own mindset. Hopefully the growth mindset is able to help you with those classes you're worried about. Good luck!
