Thursday, January 17, 2019

Introduction to the Life of a Microbiology Major

Hello! My name is Bianca Moreno, and I am currently a senior majoring in microbiology with minors in chemistry and sociology. I honestly think that the coolest thing about my major is the fact that I get to learn about all of the microscopic critters that have such an influential impact on life as we know it. Not to mention the fact that learning about some of these pathogenic microorganisms is just plain cool.  Case Studies in Medical Microbiology was the most interesting class I took last semester, and it is about pathogenic bacteria and viruses that can cause significant damage to individuals. It may sound a bit morbid, but I really enjoy learning about what kind of effect they have on infected individuals. It is fascinating to know that such a small organism can wreak havoc in an organism that is substantially larger. Unfortunately, I am not taking any of these types of interesting courses this semester so I am a bit bummed about that.
Putting aside that I do not have any interesting microbiology courses this semester, I do have, hopefully, an exciting vacation planned for the break. I feel like I should give my sister appropriate credit here for planning this trip so shout-out to her! I am actually going to Cancun, Mexico for break. I have been to Mexico before since I have family there, but I have never been to one of these tourist destinations in Mexico before. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of checking all of my class schedules to see if I had anything important due the week we return from break, and I discovered that I actually have a test the Wednesday we come back, which, understandably, puts a bit of a damper on my good mood.  
I am inclined to say that my course load this semester is not that bad due to the fact that I am taking two online classes. However, now that I am aware of just how much work I have to do, I’m going to go ahead and keep my mouth shut. I am also starting my first college job next week so that definitely is not helping my free time, but I am really eager to finally get a steady source of income for myself. Overall, I look forward to what this semester has in store for me, and I hope that everyone else feels the same! 


  1. Hello Bianca,

    It was great to read through your introduction. It is so cool that you are a microbiology major. I am a biology senior, and microbiology was one of my favorite classes. It is so awesome that you are going to Cancun. I have always wanted to go but have not had the opportunity yet. I hope you have a great semester and best of luck!


  2. Hey Bianca,

    Congrats on finishing up your degrees here soon! I can’t imagine how busy your life must be with Microbiology alone, much less Chemistry and Sociology on top of all of that. Do you know what all you plan to do with your degrees once you graduate? Hopefully you will be able to find a work-life-school balance this year and will grow a lot during your senior year.

    - JD

  3. Hi Bianca,

    Microbiology is awesome! I had a friend who just graduated from the program this past semester. Personally, microscopic critters creep me out, ever since I watched Monsters Inside Me on Discovery. Hopefully you breeze through your last semester, I am looking forward to hearing me from you in the class.


  4. Hi Bianca!

    Your trip to Cancun sounds like a blast! It's really cool that your sister planned that trip for you guys. Hopefully your test after break won't be too much of a distraction.

    Your Case Studies in Medical Microbiology class sounds like it was really interesting. I've never gotten the chance to take a microbiology class because I'm an Advertising major, but I used to love the show Monster Inside Me about different parasites and bacteria that infect people! That show actually kind of scarred me for life, since watching a botfly crawl under someone's skin is pretty intense, even if it's not microscopic.

    I hope your last semester goes well! Good luck!

  5. That is so cool about your Medical Microbiology class, Bianca! Now we know that there are viruses and bacteria, but of course they were invisible before we invented the tools to see them! So back in the past people told all kinds of stories trying to explain the sickness they saw around them: gods or witchcraft or winds and on and on. If you suddenly found yourself back in the past, I wonder if you could find some way to convince them that it's really these invisible bacteria and viruses at work! And it's exciting that you have big plans for the break: there's a Tech Tip for adding a countdown to your blog... you could do a Cancun Countdown :-) Countdown Widget Tech Tip

  6. Hello, Bianca!

    I have a friend who has a Microbiology degree, and he seems to like it a lot as well! I haven't really thought about how these small critters can have such an effect on us humans! I suppose every species has their weakness. Your trip to Cancun sounds exciting! I have been there before, and I imagine it will be nice to go there over break and, hopefully, not worry too much about school! Good luck this semester!

  7. Hi, Bianca!

    I think it is so cool that you are studying Microbiology and enjoy it so much! I also find it pretty interesting that microscopic things can cause such devastating illnesses but also help keep life on earth going! It is so sweet that your sister arranged your trip to Cancun! You both will have so much fun--it looks incredibly beautiful and will be a nice break from the not-so-beautiful state of Oklahoma! I know the feeling of having a ton of work due right after break and can agree that it really brings the excitement levels down and the anxiety levels up!

    Good luck with the rest of your semester, your college career, and beyond!

  8. Hi Bianca!

    You have such a cool major! You seem very passionate about the work you do in class and I'm so glad that you've found something that you love. Mexico is so beautiful! I love to travel as well. Unfortunately, I haven't been to Cancun but I did go to Cozumel a few years ago on a cruise. I visited Playa Maya and it was the most beautiful beach I've ever been on.

    Good luck with the rest of your semester and I hope you have a great time on your trip!

  9. Hey Bianca! It is nice to meet you. I just recently took pathogenic microbio with Professor Lawson and loved it! It made me want to pursue a major in microbio as well, but it seemed like a lot. I hope you get a lot from the course and good luck!

    -Lance J.

  10. Hey Bianca! Microbiology sounds super cool! Also Cancun is beautiful, I'm so jealous!!! >_<

    It sounds like you're very passionate about your major and have narrowed down your field of interest which is always great! I'm excited to hear more from you!

  11. Hi Bianca!
    It's super cool that you're going to Cancun! I bet it's totally beautiful, and the warm beaches will be a nice break from cold weather and schoolwork (even if you have to study a little). Good luck with everything this semester (I assume it's your final one) and with whatever's next for you after you're done with school!

  12. Hi Bianca,
    I am so jealous you are going to Cancun! I went a couple years ago and it is amazing! Honestly, I am so tired of the cool so that sounds perfect right about now! Take full advantage of your trip and try not to worry about school too much while on vacay! Hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  13. Hey Bianca!
    Your trip you have planned coming sounds awesome! I've never been much of a warm weather person, but even I wouldn't be able to resist a Spring Break trip to a place as beautiful as Cancun. My own trip will be immediately after this semester, to Japan!
    I find the field you're in super interesting, though I could never do it myself. I'm way too squeamish even around microbes, but the things they can cause are certainly enthralling.

  14. Bianca, it was really great getting to know you some through your introduction post. I think it is so cool that we are able to interact even though we are in two separate classes (I'm in Indian Epics). I think it is cool that having an online class like this allows us to do that. Again, it was great getting to know you some and the best of luck to you on your future endeavors.

  15. Bianca,, What's your favorite pathogenic microbe? Do you prefer viruses or bacteria? By the way, could you explain retroviruses to me? I never quite understood the process. What’s your favorite food? Do you enjoy entertaining pointless questions? If you do, we’d be in good company.

    I hope you have found the semester's work manageable. Good luck with the rest of your semester.
