Sunday, January 20, 2019

Useful Time Strategies

The two articles I read were “How to Beat Procrastination” by Caroline Webb and “11 ways unsuccessful people mismange their time” by Aine Cain. I feel like the articles were a bit useful. I really like how they break things down into simple things and examples. I think that I often do find myself daunted by a certain task so I put that task off until the deadline is practically there. I really like how “How to Beat Procrastination” states to “break down big… tasks into baby steps that don’t feel as effortful”. I will definitely keep this in mind in the future and see if it affects my procrastination. As it stands, I do not really have a good time management strategy that works well for me. I just wait for the deadline to approach before I kick it into overdrive and get the task done. I really hope one of these strategies works out for me!
 Stop Procrastination by Lynn Freidman. Source.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Bianca!

    I completely agree with you -- if something feels overwhelming, it's way easier to just not think about it. That's why I like your "top three" approach so much. When you take a task that feels enormous and you split it into sub-goals, it suddenly feels much more doable, even if the amount of work you have to get done hasn't changed. Things just feel better when you get to attack them in bite-sized pieces.
